Nine to Thrive

Maximize Your Weekend (and Avoid Sunday Scaries) with These 10 Tips

Mar 10, 2022 Work-Life Balance

Sunday sadness, also known as the Sunday scaries, is a harsh reality for many. As the last day of the weekend comes to a close, you start to feel a little (or a lot) anxious about the start of a new week and all the responsibilities that come with it. No matter how much you hate the end of the weekend, the following tips can help you reclaim the free time you do have and better prepare for the return to the world of responsibility on Monday.

Reduce Stress Overall

The simplest explanation for Sunday scaries is that folks let their stress get the best of them. With less stress, you can keep a clear head for the approaching Monday.

  • Practice deep breathing (every day, not just on the weekends).
  • Find something funny to watch or listen to; laughter has many positive benefits.

Prepare Your Body

The weekend is known for being a refreshing and relaxing time. Try out these ideas for prepping your body for the demands of the week to come.

  • Resist junk food; eating healthy over the weekend energizes you for the week.
  • Amp up your motivation for physical fitness with a new set of headphones.
  • Prioritize hydration while you’re at home (and near a restroom).
  • Sleep in a little to make up for your weeknight deficit.

Get Your Home Ready

Part of prepping for Monday is ensuring your home is in good shape to start off the week. A clean, calm space is crucial for avoiding Sunday Scaries.

  • Try a quick-clean session mid-weekend to avoid Sunday panic.
  • Meal prep your lunches for the week to streamline weeknights (and mornings).
  • Pick flowers or light a candle to freshen up your home.

There’s no true way to avoid that sense of panic that often sets in on Sundays. But with these tips, you can help stave off the Sunday scaries and enjoy more of your weekend. 

Photo via Unsplash